Cakes D' Sabores (754) 212-5858

Cake sticks

Cake SticksDelicious

Deserving of its own feature page is our famous one of a kind cake sticks. What started by accident has turned into one of our best selling and most beloved items. Years ago when we first opened we were doing so many custom cakes and we would cut and tailor them to our customers designs. Instead of throwing away the excess that came off of our custom cakes, we decided one day to put it back into the oven and let it crisp, thus turning into a cookie. We put them in bags and sold them out front not thinking much of it and like WILDFIRE they sold like crazy. We have since taken them to a whole new level and have gotten them tested in a lab, consulted with food scientists for nutritional labeling and they are now sold in 10 grocery stores in Palm Beach and Broward County. Cake sticks make for the PERFECT gift for friends and family and we ship them direct to you across the ENTIRE United States. Click below to order now!